Modern slavery & human trafficking statement
medDigital is actively committed to preventing involvement in acts of modern-day slavery, human
trafficking and use of child labour from within its own business and from within its established
supply chain.
The Company acknowledges responsibility for the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will ensure
transparency within the organisation, to our Clients and with all suppliers of goods, services
and labour to the organisation.
medDigital will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in slavery, human
trafficking or the use of child labour. The Company annually monitors and reviews the following
steps to ensure that slavery, human trafficking or use of child labour is not occurring within
the business or those of our suppliers, we will:
Monitor and review the Company’s Supplier Relationship Policy
- Monitor and review the Company’s Human Resource Security Policy
- Monitor and review to ensure all sub-contracted labour is sourced from legitimate agencies
and companies
medDigital will regularly assess the continuing improvement of the Company’s Modern Slavery
statement. The Company will continue to work with sub-contractors, our Clients and other
affiliates to promote good practice and to ensure that supply chains are free from slavery and
human trafficking.